Tagaytay trails Alabang with 2 legs left

Tagaytay Highlands posted a win and a runner-up finish to threaten pacesetting Alabang after the Canlubang leg of the Champion Infinity WGAP 2015 Circuit at Cangolf’s south course in Laguna recently.

The Highlanders edged Forest Hills, 162-161, to rule Class C while its Class A squad finished second to Camp Aguinaldo, 158-161, that hiked its overall total to 19 points, just a point behind Alabang with two legs left.
Tagaytay will host the penultimate leg on Sept. 21.

Forest Hills has 17 points while Sta. Elena has 13 points followed by Aguinaldo and Canlubang with 11  each and Valley Golf with nine.

Aguinaldo drew 42 Stableford points from Janeth Agripa while Matet Salivio, Josie Untal and Mabel Salivio chipped in 41, 40 and 38 points, respectively, as it repulsed Tagaytay, whose 158 included a 43 from Rosalie Heo, a 42 from Sandy Prieto-Romualdez, a 38 from Bernadette Wong and a 35 from Karen Buenaventura.