Superliga welcomes opening day clash with V-League

Shakey's V-League vs Philippine Super Liga. INQUIRER FILE PHOTOS

Shakey’s V-League vs Philippine Super Liga. INQUIRER FILE PHOTOS

The Philippine Supeliga Thursday welcomed the possibility of a direct clash with Shakey’s V-League as both leagues unveil new conferences on Oct. 10.

PSL president Ramon “Tats’ Suzara said that though they have blocked off Oct. 10 for the opening of the import-laden Grand Prix a month ago, they don’t mind sharing the same date with rival league which recently announced it will fire off its third conference on the same date.

With plenty of innovations on the pipeline including state-of-the-art video challenge, PSL will inaugurate the GP at Alonte Sports Arena in Binan, Laguna, while Shakey’s V-League has yet to announced its venue.

Shakey’s V-League, the pioneering volleyball league which started 11 years ago, has yet to wrap up its collegiate conference to be disputed by Ateneo and National University in Game 3 slated Sunday.