Ramirez backs Fernandez

CEBU CITY—Philippine Sports Commission chair Butch Ramirez is backing commissioner Ramon Fernandez in his “war” with Philippine Olympic Committee president Peping Cojuangco.

“I am standing by my commissioner. If it becomes a legal matter, we’re supporting Mon (Fernandez),” said Ramirez at the sidelines of the government sports agency’s directional meeting Tuesday with local government officials from the Visayas region.

After consulting his lawyers, Fernandez said he would file a libel case against Cojuangco, who branded the PBA legend a “game fixer.”

“We’ll be filing it here in Cebu City,” said Fernandez. “But as a true sportsman, I will drop the case if he retracts his statement, issues a public apology and resigns as POC president.”

The four-time PBA MVP has urged the POC to return to the government the P38 million spent for the Asian Games Centennial Festival in 2014, which Fernandez claimed was bankrolled by the Olympic Council of Asia.

POC secretary general Steve Hontiveros said the local Olympic body had settled the amount and would coordinate with the PSC and the Commission on Audit for its proper liquidation.

Cojuangco, for his part, will be prepared to face Fernandez in court.

“I’m ready if it comes to that,” said Cojuangco.

Ramirez also got fed up when Cojuangco said in a press conference that the PSC should not meddle with the affairs of the POC, particularly in the training and preparation of national athletes for international meets.

“We continue to respect their independence. But if you say that we don’t meddle, then stop asking [for funding],” said Ramirez, who added that the PSC will, however, “continue to support the athletes and coaches and we’re committed to support them even beyond [the] 2020 [Tokyo Olympics].”

“He (Cojuangco) should answer the accusations [of Fernandez],” said Ramirez. “After all, the documents emanated from the PSC.”