Serena Williams cheered by netizens after answering John McEnroe’s backhanded compliment

Serena Williams

Image: Screen grab via Instagram/@serenawilliams

Retired tennis player John McEnroe, considered one of the best ever to play the game, singled out Serena Williams as the greatest female player of all time.

But against professional male tennis players, he claimed she wouldn’t stand a chance, and would place “like 700 in the world.”

McEnroe gave the statement to NPR, in an interview in line with the release of his memoir “You Cannot Be Serious”.

Williams lobbed back with a gracious response on Twitter:

Netizens have since taken to Twitter to get behind the G.O.A.T. (Greatest of All Time):

Canadian rugby player Jen Kish also spoke up:

There were heated debates as well, with some defending McEnroe’s statements and pointing out that there are reasons why men and women are divided in sports:

Image: Screen grab via Twitter/@serenawilliams

Image: Screen grab via Twitter/@serenawilliams

Battle-of-the-sexes or none, it doesn’t detract that some athletes’ achievements tend to be downplayed because they are women.

For instance, when a BBC reporter told Andy Murray last 2016 that he was the first person to win two consecutive Olympic gold medals in tennis, he mentioned that Williams and her sister Venus already had four each.

After a Wimbledon match last 2016, Williams was asked in a press conference what she thought about being called “one of the greatest female athletes of all time.”

Her response: “I prefer… ‘one of the greatest athletes of all time.’” JB


Serena Williams asks McEnroe for respect after comparison to men