Pacquiao ‘85% ready’ says trainer as Matthysse fight draws near
Manny Pacquiao conquers highest peak in Maasim, Sarangani province. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO/Winchell Campos
Manny Pacquiao showed his head trainer Buboy Fernandez and strength and conditioning coach Justin Fortune a preview of what to expect in his ring return against Lucas Matthysse next month.
Pacquiao on Tuesday flashed his deadly form when he rocked Gherich Chavez with a solid straight to the jaw during sparring that delighted Fernandez and Fortune.
“I would say he is 85 already percent ready and we don’t want him to peak too soon,” said Fernandez.
“He is right there where we want him to be right now,” said Fortune.
Pacquiao’s power and speed may have diminished in time but he remains one of the best-conditioned boxers.
On Monday morning, Pacquiao conquered the steepest climb in Maasim, Sarangani province.
“It’s a sign that Manny is trying to ask himself questions whether he still has it or not. That talks a lot about his warrior spirit,” said Fortune.
‘The Fight of Champions,’ the biggest boxing event in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia since the great Muhammad Ali beat Joe Bugner in 1975 is less than three weeks away.