POC chief dares dream a dream

Philippine Olympic Committee president Ricky Vargas is pushing for the creation of a department of sports at a Cabinet level, one report said on Wednesday.

Nothing could be more relevant and noble, the announcement coming from a take-charge executive with clout, intelligence and integrity.

Vargas is not the first one to seek the establishment of a department of sports in the Cabinet level.

“I fully support initiatives of our legislators who are pushing for a cabinet level for sports,” Vargas declared during the PBA Press Corps awards night at Araneta Center in Quezon City on Monday.

Vargas fully knows there were many others before him who had dreamt that dream.

Unlike many others, Vargas must start really hard and big to help the dream become a reality.

“We need to stop thinking that lip service is enough,” Vargas said.

Great, the problem is how to end the national lethargy, the indifference of other key players.

It needs a big push, support, involvement from practically all sectors of society.

Everybody, from President Duterte down to barangay (village) officials and workers, must chip in.

There are more than enough bills filed in Congress seeking the establishment of such a great sports body.

Unfortunately, there’s the inevitable dead-end waiting immediately after the filing of the bills.

“We need to recognize the role of sports in developing our country,” Vargas stressed.

Vargas singled out the almost nonexistent Physical Education program in schools.

Maybe it’s about time our legislators work for the full-time PE programs nationwide.

Out in the streets, the barangays must be made to wake up and participate.

It’s too bad that majority have been left to be mere excitable spectators, thereby contributing to the national rot.

There’s the need for a strong national legislation to revive Philippine sports.  We all need a big national jolt.

Vargas needs our help and genuine support.

There’s urgent need to rise up and fight the stagnation.

We need an all-powerful, sincere and dedicated sports czar to lead the way.

Pray that the new national Olympic leadership finds the right path.

Poor Philippine sports deserves a brand new start.