PVL: Marina Tushova pushes past struggles in record-setting game

Marina Tushova and the Capital1 Spikers in the PVL Reinforced Conference.

Marina Tushova and the Capital1 Spikers in the PVL Reinforced Conference. –PVL PHOTO

MANILA, Philippines — Marina Tushova wasn’t her usual self before her record-setting 45 points in the PVL Reinforced Conference on Wednesday.

The Russian spiker, who surpassed the previous record of 44 by former Akari import Prisilla Rivera two years ago, said she wasn’t in the right headspace even moments before the game, but that didn’t stop her from making history.

“I couldn’t sleep yesterday night, I couldn’t eat today, so it was like this. I was fighting with my stress all these days. It was another preparation, some things I cannot share with you all, but it was different,” said Tushova after Capital1’s 13-25, 25-21, 18-25, 25-20, 15-13 win over Choco Mucho.

“Thank you to the people around me, to my close friends, yeah. I appreciate it.”

Tushova was unstoppable on Thursday evening, pouring in 43 kills — the most spikes nailed in a single PVL game — one block, and an ace to complete the Solars Spikers’ come-from-behind victory that set their best start in the league so far with a 2-2 record in Pool B.

Choco Mucho was holding to a 2-1 set advantage and 8-3 spread to start the fifth frame, before Tushova willed her team back into contention, nailing a game-winning and record-setting back row kill.

“The hardest thing for today’s game was to leave the pressure outside the court. Thank you coach for you talk, thanks ate Iris [Tolenada] she did a great job too and then the hardest thing was to turn on our speed but then after we turned it on no can stop us,” she said.

“For me, the goal for this game was to play with the team. I need everyone there and I told the girls before the game that no one will give us nothing, not any point, we have to make points. It’s all on us, no one will give us anything.”

When Tushova was serving with the matchpoint advantage of 14-13, Capital1 coach Roger Gorayeb instructed setter Iris Tolenada to set the play to the import from the back row, which broke the single block attempt of Maika Ortiz.

Gorayeb urged Tushova just to be herself and told the locals to step up and support her. 

“I told her.’ Marina, I want to hear your voice because it gives us all inspiration.’ If Marina is in tiptop shape, we have to follow her. If she’s silent, everybody is worrying about why is she silent, what is she feeling,” said the veteran coach.

Marina Tushova and the Capital1 Spikers in the PVL Reinforced Conference. –PVL PHOTO

“Marina has been carrying our offense for the past three games. Still kailangan pa rin yung local players na magcontribute nang magcontribute. We do not all the pressure on offense on Marina’s shoulder kaya lagi kong nireremind. Small contribution but it helped a lot.”

“Masaya ako Marina is on our side,” he added.

The 25-year-old Russian embraced the challenge of Gorayeb to become more vocal inside the court to energize her teammates.

“When everyone can hear me, I do a better job. I have to change my game and be more emotional. It takes a lot of power when you’re screaming and after you have to go attack again,” she said.

Tushova’s historic scoring night didn’t sink in right away but she’s proud of herself for overcoming the challenges. 

“When the game was finished I didn’t know how [to react] so I needed to calm down first and maybe after, for sure it will be in my career. I’m proud of myself, I’m proud really,” Tushova said.

Capital1’s breakthrough won’t stop with a big win and 45-point explosion from its import as Tushova vows to do better in their upcoming games. 

“All game I felt like I’m not doing anything. That’s why I’m like let’s do more, let’s do more. So about this 45 points, it’s good for sure but it’s not like I’m already on top of my career or I’m better than someone else, it’s just one game,” she said. “Thank you, I really appreciate it. Thanks to my team, thanks to my family, to the people who are close to me because of them, I’m here now.”