ACCI golf draws huge field

THE FOURTH Architectural Centre Club, Inc.’s Corporate Cup golf tournament unwraps tomorrow with 148 players making up 37 teams vying for individual and team honors at Sta. Elena Golf Club in Laguna.

The 18-hole event features the country’s top golfing architects, engineers, developers, allied trades and those under the construction industry. The shotgun start is at 7:30 a.m.

The event also serves as part of ACCI’s preparations for its golden year on Feb. 14, 2013 with the board of trustees and officers, head by chair and president Felizardo Sevilla, Jr., lining up several sports and social activities to mark the occasion.

Trophies, medals and cash prizes along with fabulous gift items will be given during awards rites at Sta. Elena’s Hacienda Room.

For details, contact ACCI’s Marilyn Lim at 8992668 or 0910-4858030.

DDT Konstract, FR Sevilla Industrial and Development and Trane Philippines head the chief backers of the event while Alpa Plumbing Works, Borja Construction Coordinates and Allied Services, Corrotech, Euroasia Marble and Granite, Excell Contractor and Developers, HCG Philippines and others are major sponsors.